Monday, September 28, 2009

Coming Soon: Microsoft Store

With Windows 7 update coming along the way, who knows how many blue screens the idea department at Microsoft is getting. Microsoft decided to look elsewhere for ideas by looking at other competitors, and what a coincidence they chose Apple.

They now decided to open a Microsoft store, which in the recent weeks they have been poaching Apple employees to work for them, giving existing Retail managers and Sales Reps added raises and bonuses. Instead of "Genuis" bars there is going to be "Guru" bars specifically designed for problem-related issues. They will sell Zunes to Xbox 360s, as well as third party software and Xbox Games.

I can tell there is going to be line-ups for this opening because there is so many problems with Vista, their going to have to open a two-storey store to house all the problems. Lets hope they fix this problem.

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