Thursday, September 10, 2009

Boo Hoo Chris Brown!

Chris Brown recently granted Larry King his first television interview since being sentenced for assaulting Rihanna. I, personally, didn't get a chance to see this interview but from what I've heard, it was anything but boring. Chris was accompanied by his mother and his attorney. Either during or soon after the interview was over, Chris made it a point to note how disappointed he was with Oprah Winfrey for her episode on domestic violence simply days after the report of the assault took place. Brown stated that he felt like he had been slapped in the face after everything he had done for Oprah. Brown mentioned how he went to Africa and sang at one of Oprah's schools so the least she could have done is been understanding and helpful to both sides. Um... last time I checked, Rihanna was the one that was literally slapped in the face so Brown needs to think twice before he starts runnin' his mouth like that...and against Oprah Winfrey too! You don't beat the crap out of a woman and then expect the world to respect you have to earn it...and besides, it doesn't seem like Brown has been that genuine in his regret against what happened given the amount of partying he's been doing. Apologetic my ass!

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