1) Rogers, Telus, Bell and the rest pay millions to American networks and 0 for Canadian.
I know, I know. "Cuz American showz r bettrrrr." Yeah, they're better; and guess who's paying for it?! Logic would dictate that the more money that cable networks have to invest in their shows, the better they would be. Maybe if CBC had a few extra dollars lying around, they could get the cameras to stay steady on the Border. Maybe Mercy Mosque could afford its own place; then Thorn could go away and the show would start being funny again!
2) If the stations win, the providers are just going to increase 10$ on all of our bills in order to pay for it.
The commericals that Rogers, Bell and Co. put out keep saying "if they win, taxes are going to go up for us aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllll." Umm, no. If your bill goes up, it was because the providers were the ones who increased their charges. Which might be fair for the providers to do, except...
Come to think of it, last year when the recession first hit hard, did anyone hear Rogers, Bell and Co. whine about how much money they were losing?
I'm going to leave you with a picture of an incredibly ugly piece of furniture. It might have belonged to Uncle Sam at one point...