Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The TV Tax

You've all seen the commercials. Local TV stations are going head-to-head with cable providers on whether they should be paying to deliver. To be frank, I didn't know whose side to take, at first, but now I can state with certainty that the providers are BSing buttholes who should pay up and shut up. You and I, the consumers, need know only two facts:

1) Rogers, Telus, Bell and the rest pay millions to American networks and 0 for Canadian.

I know, I know. "Cuz American showz r bettrrrr." Yeah, they're better; and guess who's paying for it?! Logic would dictate that the more money that cable networks have to invest in their shows, the better they would be. Maybe if CBC had a few extra dollars lying around, they could get the cameras to stay steady on the Border. Maybe Mercy Mosque could afford its own place; then Thorn could go away and the show would start being funny again!

2) If the stations win, the providers are just going to increase 10$ on all of our bills in order to pay for it.

The commericals that Rogers, Bell and Co. put out keep saying "if they win, taxes are going to go up for us aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllll." Umm, no. If your bill goes up, it was because the providers were the ones who increased their charges. Which might be fair for the providers to do, except...

Come to think of it, last year when the recession first hit hard, did anyone hear Rogers, Bell and Co. whine about how much money they were losing?

I'm going to leave you with a picture of an incredibly ugly piece of furniture. It might have belonged to Uncle Sam at one point...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Photoshop Mobile

Coolest Library Garage Ever


Nintendo signs Nvidia in contract for next-gen DS

Nintendo just recently announced their partnership with Nvidia and their Tegra series mobile processing units. Nvidia Tegra system on chip processors are said to create new benchmarks for the mobile gaming platform. Nintendo ( which currently owns 68.3 percent of the worldwide market share of the gaming market) has made the move official and we could see a new Tegra-powered device by next year (2010)

More info can be found here.

Rocketfish power saving surgeprotectors

Rocketfish (Bestbuy's very own brand) now sell their the power saving surge protectors in Bestbuy retailers worldwide. These surge protectors save power by cutting power to electronics that aren't in use. They also come with a 200 thousand dollar connected device warranty, unprecedented for a surge protector of its price.

With 4 energy-efficient master-controlled outlets, this 7-outlet, 2250-joule surge protector helps protect your computer and other peripherals from power surges while saving energy. A 43dB noise filter helps shield your equipment from electrical interference.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rant of the Week #1

Since one of my fellow bloggers have started doing Joke-of-the-Weeks, I thought I'd do the blog a favour by balancing the laughter with some good old fashioned rage. I know I already bitc - er, blog about many issues, but most of them are kind of weighty. So I'm going to make it a point that the Rants of the Weeks are going to be about stuff that isn't going to make the world stop spinning if something isn't done about them. So dear bloggers, if there's something out there that the rest of the world considers benign, but it really grinds your gears, send me a message and I'll rant about it. (It probably won't take care of the problem, but at least you can take comfort in knowing that someone out there (yours truly) is as ticked off as you are.)

So the first subject to be clawed, chewed, killed and then left for vultures: the lack of debit machines at Tim Hortons. Okay. Now I'm mad.

Firstly, I've worked at one of these places. The hardest job to be done there as a cashier (other than spitting in cups without getting caught) is to say the following to a customer: "I'm sorry, sir/madam, but we don't take debit. Only cash and MasterCard." Because the conversation that follows always goes like this:

Customer: You don't take Visa either??
Cashier: No.
Customer: ... Why?
Cashier: Tim Hortons and MasterCard have an unholy alliance. They plan to take over the world by 2011.
Customer: Of course! It all makes perfect sense now!
Cashier: If you would like, there's an ATM 20 miles from here. Why don't you go there and return? Hopefully, your coffee'll still be warm enough not to choke on.

Don't ask the cashiers why they don't take debit or Visa. These poor people are overworked and underpaid; it's a miracle I got through work without hijacking the store with frozen timbits. The true jerks here are the Tim Hortons Headquarters in Oakville, Ontario.

Why are they doing this?! Excuse me if I sound like a five-year-old comparing my toys with those of my snotty rich neighbour, but Starbucks even has Wifi! WIFI! Why is one of Canada's icons insisting on staying in the technological dark ages? Tim Hortons, you know that wierd thing that you see all around you? It's called the 21st Century! JOIN IT!!!

Alright, I'm now going to leave you with the one and only reason that we put up with this:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ho-Lee-Chow Closes Down

Also known the Pizza Pizza of chinese food, Holy Chow has closed its doors after 20 years of business. Anyone who tried ordering over the phone today recieved the following message "Due to circumstances beyond our control -- one of which is the poor economic climate -- another of which is a refusal to compromise on quality and service you've come to appreciate, Ho-Lee-Chow has closed down operations" Most of the locations will close down but the franchise owners have been given the opportunity to keep the restaurants, but they must change the names. So be on the lookout for a lot of new Chinese restaurants that serve the exact same food.

Read more at CTV.

Rogers BlackBerry 8520 to be Released

The BlackBerry 8520 will be available starting October 8th on a 3 year contract with the price of $99 with a minimum $45/voice and data plan. The 8520 is the first BlackBerry with RIMs new optical trackpad released in Canada. The optical pad replaces the old trackball which many have complained about. Check out this video review we posted here.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Harper, you tone-deaf IDIOT!!

There are no words to descride this, and no one would believe me if I tried, so just watch the video at the end of the post before you continue.

Obviously, he's lip-syncing. And on the off chance that he's not... Harper, you IDIOT!

For those of us who don't know what brought this on, here's a quick recap of the last two years: Before or during the 2008 federal election, Harper lost a lot of votes in Quebec by cutting $45 million of the Arts budget. This, apparently, was the reason he didn't get a majority, his life crumbled around him and rumours have it that he tried to hit the self destruct button on himself. (Oh, Harper's also a robot, didn't you know?)

Excuse me, but the Arts cut was one of the things that I half-agreed with. Harper himself said, "I think when ordinary working people come home, turn on the TV, and see a gala of a bunch of people, you know, at a rich gala, they err..." Yes, Stephen, we see where you're getting at. And we, surprisingly, agree with you. As an ordinary working-and-studying Canadian, I don't want a big portion of the budget going to rich music snobs.

What I do want is funding for the arts in schools. You know, those big buildings that try to educate and shape children for the future?

Which hypocrite decided to parade the prime minister on a stage built for rich gala-goers and have him perform for them in person? Harper, tell your publicist that there's a fucking recession going on! This is not the time for rich galas and dumb publicity stunts.

Harper, if you must sing, there are a lot of elementary schools that have stages and pianos. Otherwise, SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO WORK!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

NovelQuest Emperor Workstation - Keep Dreaming

The theme seems to be new and amazing technology, and i have something thats going to blow your mind. if your a tech freak like myself, your pretty much into the latest and greatest. Check out this amazing scorpion themed WORKSTATION from NovelQuest. Again, just like our PC Sofa, this thing comes with a hefty price tag of $39,500. For those of you interested, theyre offering the demo model for a discounted price of $36,500. Yea, that ain't happening.

Im Out

Thursday, October 1, 2009

19XRW Hoverwing™

Introducing the Hoverwing, a high performance hovercraft which is unique because of the ability to add wings for flight in ground-effect. Cruise altitude is 2 to 6 feet and craft can reach up to 20 feet when clearing obstacles and since it is registered as a boat it does not need a pilots license. the Hoverwing can carry 4 to 6 passengers in different areas where most vehicles can not reach. If your rich, this can be yours for $85,000USD